# ide-vue Installation Guide

# 1. Windows Installation Procedure

# 1.1 Download Files

Visit the Github Release Page (opens new window) and download the following two files:

  • vs-code-ide-vue-win32-x64.exe
  • ide-vue-extensions.zip

# 1.2 Install ide-vue

  • Double-click on the vs-code-ide-vue-win32-x64.exe file to install.
  • The icon after launching is shown below:
    IDE Vue Icon

# 1.3 Install Extensions

# List of Extension Files

After unzipping ide-vue-extensions.zip, you will see the following extensions:

├── PKief.material-icon-theme-4.31.0.vsix
├── Vue.volar-1.8.16.vsix
├── alefragnani.Bookmarks-13.4.2.vsix
├── christian-kohler.npm-intellisense-1.4.5.vsix
├── esbenp.prettier-vscode-10.1.0.vsix
├── octref.vetur-0.37.3.vsix
├── sdras.night-owl-2.0.1.vsix
├── tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle-3.2.0.vsix
├── wmaurer.vscode-jumpy-0.3.1.vsix
├── xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets-1.8.0.vsix

# Install Extensions

  1. Launch ide-vue.
  2. Navigate to Extensions.
  3. Select ...Install From VSIX.
  4. Install all the listed extensions.
    Extensions Installation Guide

# Set Icon Theme

  1. Choose Material Icon Theme.
  2. Navigate to Set File Icon Theme.
  3. Select the corresponding icon.
    Icon Selection

# 1.4 Use Developer Tools to Check Errors

Open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P and select Developer: Toggle Developer Tools to check for errors.

# 1.5 Vue Code Writing Test

Now, you can start writing Vue code and enjoy the powerful IDE features.
Vue Code Test

# 2. MacOS Installation Procedure

Please refer to the Windows installation procedure described above.

# 3. ide-vue Extension Overview

# 3.1 Vue Language & Framework Support

# 3.2 Code Quality & Formatting

# 3.3 Common Tools & Enhanced Features

# 3.4 Themes & Icons